If you are promoting your blog or website on Twitter, you are likely to be interested to track Twitter statistics as well. If this is true, this article will help you find out more about your presence on Twitter. Getting detailed information in one place about your tweets, retweets, mentions, questions, trends, hashtags, short links, URLs that point to your website will go a long way in giving you an edge in making the most out of Twitter presence.
Clicky Web Analytics is an excellent web analytics service that lets you track real time statistics for your blog or website. What makes Clicky stand out from the competition is its very intuitive Web 2.0 user interface and most importantly, the ability to monitor happenings on Twitter in insightful and interesting ways. Apart from this, it offers many other powerful tracking features not available in most other popular real time website tracking services. For example, it allows you to track your Feedburner RSS Feeds from within the Clicky interface.
Setting up Clicky for your website is fairly easy. If you haven’t done so already, go ahead and sign up for a free account. You can set up your blog to track the usual blog statistics. We will discuss how to set it up for Twitter.
How to Track Twitter Statistics with Clicky
Click on the Twitter icon in the top menu bar. Choose the option to create new Twitter search query. You can add any twitter search query of your choice. To track it for your blog, build a search query that includes your Twitter username and your domain name. For example, in my case it would be something like below:
Save the query. You will immediately start seeing detailed twitter statistics on your search query. You can compare twitter statistics from different time periods. You can even retweet or reply to the tweets from within Clicky interface.
Add more queries of choice as you like to track twitter statistics and analyse how your website is doing on Twitter.
What Tools Do You Use to Track Twitter Statistics?
How do you track Twitter statistics, please share your thoughts in the comments area.