Weight loss is very important and crucial for health. Here are tips for women who want to lose weight.
Health & Fitness
Cervical Cancer Vaccine – A Blessing for Women
Cervical Cancer, caused by HPV virus, is the most common sexually-transmitted disease and infects one in 10 women worldwide.
Dental Care Tips: Toothbrush is Better than Gum
Chewing gum can fight tooth decay, freshen breath and whiten teeth. But for healthy teeth and gums, there’s nothing to beat the toothbrush.
Sun Safety
Happy Eating
Wish to feel good? Treat your nose
Aromatherapy — that’s the word on everyone’s lips. It’s the best way to relive stress. For those who came in late, aromatherapy involves a full body massage using natural oils like lavender, rose, olive and other such natural products. Today it’s not enough to have a figure to die for — healthy skin is a must too.