Modern biology says that the human brain was meant by Nature to guide the organic (physical and nervous) system, not vice versa as it is with millions of people. B. G. Walter, in his book, The Living Brain, says: “When we were students in Cambridge under Sir Joseph Barcroft, he gave us a dictum coined by a famous French physiologist: a fixed interior milieu is a condition for a free life.
Postal Stamps in 24-Carat Gold?
Forgive and be blessed
As humans, we all make mistakes and expect every one else to forgive us. But when it comes to our forgiving others, we find it difficult. The reason may be, as Mahatma Gandhi said, “the weak can never forgive as forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
William Stephenson, On Doing More In Life
My name is William Stephenson; I grew up in Manasquan and have spent most of my life in New Jersey. I’d like to speak with you about achieving your best, about making the most of your assets and realizing your biggest dreams.
The Taste of India
Climbing your way to the top
Our management professors always told us about corporate life and that is why we studied and worked hard to score well and join the corporate rat race. Those were the easy days. The corporate ladder would stare at our face and we would strive hard to go up the next rung. But the ladder disappeared and the corporate race changed the rules.