Learn how to update Exchange Profile to allow use of ABAP mapping and XSLT mapping with ABAP Extensions.
File-to-File scenario using J2SE Engine
Kalyan Chakravarthy from Fujitsu Consulting walks you through a step-by-step guide to using plain J2SE adpaters in SAP XI via a simple file to file scenario.
PI 7.1: Publishing Service Interface as a webservice in SR
In this article, Farooq Farooqui provides a step-by-step guide to publish service interfaces as webservices in the Service Registry of SAP PI 7.1
PI 7.1: XML Validation in Integration Engine
SAP PI 7.1 supports validation functionality. Farooq Farooqui from Cognizant writes on how to use this functionality to validate incoming and outgoing messages in IE as well as in AAE.
Local Processing in the Advanced Adapter Engine using PI 7.1
SAP PI 7.1 supports adapter to adapter messaging thus bypassing the ABAP stack of Integration server altogether. This is known to improve performance by a factor of 10. This article explains how to use this functionality with a simple file to file scenario.
XI/PI: Java Mapping Demystified
Thought Java Mapping was too complex to understand? Sankar Bhatta from Intel makes it easy for you!