Integration Repository is a design time tool where we can design and develop different objects involved in XI Integration. This helps us create integration scenarios, message types, data types, interfaces and mapping objects and designing integration processes.
XI/PI: Your First XI Scenario
If you have gone through the previous post and decided to start learning XI, this article will help you create your first XI scenario. You will understand the concepts better since do-it-yourself is always the best approach.
XI/PI: The XI Starter Kit
Are you aspiring to become XI Professional? It’s fairly easy!
XI/PI: Consuming XI Web Services using Web Dynpro – UI Design (Part III)
In the first two parts of this series, I explained how to create a simple Web Service in XI (Part I) and then consume it using Web Dynpro (Part II). In this section, I will focus on how to design the user interface for the Web Application we created in Part II and provide some additional tips. I shall describe some of the steps from Part II in detail. The article is intended to help XI developers in designing Web Dynpro UI elements.
XI/PI: Consuming XI Web Services using Web Dynpro – Part II
Part I of this article, explains how to create a brokered web service in XI 3.0. In this part, I will describe how to consume this web service in a Web Dynpro Application.
XI/PI: Consuming XI Web Services using Web Dynpro – Part I
Using a simple scenario, this article explains how to create a brokered web service in SAP XI 3.0. In Part II, I will describe how to consume this web service in a Web Dynpro Application.